The entrance to our hostal...
See why I was a little nervous when we arrived yesterday? We absolutely love it though, and it's actually in a very safe area. We have a "hostal mama" who is taking good care of us and we're just one block off of the Gran Via - the main thoroughfare in Madrid. Hostal Mama was able to get the air conditioning working for us today, so I am a happy camper today!

The Gran Via

Amazing architecture all around the city. I took tons of pictures! This is a dome atop one of the buildings.
The National Cathedral next to the Royal Palace.
Okay... so today we really discovered Madrid - from the top of a double decker bus. It was a blast. We had amazing views of everything and decided to ride the full 70 minute route and then take it a second time getting on and off (we had a full day pass). We ended up riding it a third time to visit La Puerta del Sol (a major square) and to eat dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. We're doing a lot of speaking in Spanish... my favorite souvenir of the day - really cool handmade art out of a cerveza (beer) can. A guy was sitting on the street making them (Lauren got her picture with him). All for 1 euro. Can't beat that!

The Gran Via

Amazing architecture all around the city. I took tons of pictures! This is a dome atop one of the buildings.

The National Cathedral next to the Royal Palace.

A taxi is coming for us at 4 a.m. so we can go to Barcelona tomorrow and hang out on the beach. We're traveling light - backpacks only and are leaving everything else at our hostal. We ended up getting flights for $90 - way cheaper than the train. We're spending one night in Barcelona and will be back in Madrid late Wednesday afternoon. We're going to attempt to get from the airport to the hostal on the subway. I mapped the route tonight and it's going to be crazy! I think we have to change lines three times!!
Not sure if we'll have internet access in Barcelona or night... this trip has been planned "Lauren style" which means completely no plan :) It is a lot of fun, though... More from Spain in the next day or two...
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