Lauren's baptism. I have better pictures, but they're taking forever to download. This is our friend, Al Puckett, baptizing her. He did a beautiful job - very moving moment and celebration!

Moving the disabled girls from Cheshire Home up the escalator to the movie theatre. In Kenya, the disabled don't have rights like they do in the US. They are also typically shunned by their neighbors and even families. This home teaches them skills that they might use in the future to generate an income to support themselves as well as working with them on self-esteem with a Christian emphasis.

Today, the rest of the team went to the IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) Camp in the Rift Valley. We spent some time there last year and really enjoyed it. We were fortunate to be able to help them build homes yesterday and I was looking forward to seeing the progress made on the rest of the homes in the village. Unfortunately, David got sick in the night, so Lauren and I stayed behind with him to spend his last full day here together. He seems to be fine now and is packed and ready to return to the US tomorrow (he actually leaves Nairobi tomorrow - Thursday- but doesn't return to the US until Friday night. This afternoon we're going to the Children's Centre to visit with the kids, and tomorrow we'll go back to Nairobi to the Jacaranda Centre to set up their new store. That should be fun.
Several of you have asked about Solomon. He's been released from the hospital and is at home doing pretty well. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. His ear reattachment surgery went well, but there is still a serious threat of infection.
Also, for those of you who are looking to get involved, there is a great need for people to sponsor kids at the IDP camp for high school. There are currently 16 high school students who don't have the school fees to pay for high school so they are not able to attend. School fees are $400 per year. If you would like to sponsor or even help sponsor one of these kids to make sure they are able to attend high school, please contact Global Connections (www.globalconnectionsonline.org) or let me know and I will put you in touch with the right person.
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